Load Balancing with Docker Swarm
View CodeDocker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual Docker host.
Docker Swarm lets us group a number of hosts into a cluster and distribute the docker images among these hosts. So, the workload in divided by the nodes in the swarm. In this article, we are going to deploy and scale an application. We will also deploy a load balancer that will distribute the traffic to different instances of the docker images in the swarm. You can follow along this article with only your terminal.
In my previous article, we discussed load balancing with a docker orchestration tool, Docker Cloud (previously known as Tutum). Now, we do the same thing with Docker Swarm. The docker image for load balancer is hanzel/load-balancing-swarm and its code can be found here. We are load balancing a Node.js application with Redis as the database. Also, the docker image for the Node.js application is hanzel/tutum-nodejs-redis and its code can be found here. For Redis, we use its official docker image - redis.
We will be using Docker Machine to create and manage remote hosts as a swarm. With Docker Machine, you can create hosts on your local machine or your cloud provider. Check this link to see the drivers supported by Docker Machine.
You need to have the following installed in you local computer:
: version >= 1.10, to support Docker Compose File version 2 and Multi-Host networking.Docker Machine
: version >= 0.6Docker Compose
: version >= 1.6, to support Docker Compose file version 2
You can create the virtual hosts in you local system if you have VirtualBox installed. For this demonstration, I will be using DigitalOcean.
Initial Setup
Before we start using Docker Machine, we need to setup some environment variables. You can see more about these environment variables from here. Create a Personal Access Token from DigitalOcean. If you need help for that, check this out. Your token will look something like ed1d3d280778fe0e86b7a3e0fea065cf799fce3e575c722458897354e59de0b0
We will use Debian 8
as ths OS of the nodes and enable private networking, so that the hosts in the swarm can communicate with each other. Set these environment variables with the following bash commands.
export DIGITALOCEAN_IMAGE=debian-8-x64
To create a Swarm, we need access to a Key-Value store for service discovery and to store configuration. Swarm supports Consul, Etcd, and ZooKeeper. We will be using Consul.
We will be creating a host for running Consul alone. It will not be a part of the swarm. So we can create a host named consul
docker-machine create \
-d digitalocean \
This command will create a host in DigitalOcean and provision it. You can use the command docker-machine ssh consul
, to ssh into this host. We will store the private IP of this host as KV_IP
environment variable with the following command.
export KV_IP=$(docker-machine ssh consul 'ifconfig eth1 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1')
We need to connect out docker client to this host and then run progrium/consul image there.
eval $(docker-machine env consul)
docker run -d \
-p ${KV_IP}:8500:8500 \
-h consul \
--restart always \
gliderlabs/consul-server -bootstrap
This command will pull and deploy the image in consul
The Swarm
Now, we will create the swarm. A Docker swarm need a master node and an arbitrary number of ordinary nodes. The swarm master is named master
and we will create this now.
docker-machine create \
-d digitalocean \
--swarm \
--swarm-master \
--swarm-discovery="consul://${KV_IP}:8500" \
--engine-opt="cluster-store=consul://${KV_IP}:8500" \
--engine-opt="cluster-advertise=eth1:2376" \
The swarm-master
flag idetifies this node as the swarm master. We also need to provide the consul endpoint as the swarm-discovery
flag. For us, this is consul://${KV_IP}:8500
. We will set the private IP for this host as MASTER_IP
export MASTER_IP=$(docker-machine ssh master 'ifconfig eth1 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1')
We can now create any number of nodes in this swarm. For this example, we will have only one other node in the swarm and it is named slave
. We will create this host and set its private IP as SLAVE_IP
with the following commands.
docker-machine create \
-d digitalocean \
--swarm \
--swarm-discovery="consul://${KV_IP}:8500" \
--engine-opt="cluster-store=consul://${KV_IP}:8500" \
--engine-opt="cluster-advertise=eth1:2376" \
export SLAVE_IP=$(docker-machine ssh slave 'ifconfig eth1 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1')
You can create more nodes in the swarm by repeating these commands by just changing the hostname. We also need to have a registrator service running in each of these hosts to keep track of all services running in each host. The version 6 of gliderlabs/registrator
image is used for this.
We need to connect our client to each of these hosts and run the registrator image.
eval $(docker-machine env master)
docker run -d \
--name=registrator \
-h ${MASTER_IP} \
--volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
gliderlabs/registrator:v6 \
eval $(docker-machine env slave)
docker run -d \
--name=registrator \
-h ${SLAVE_IP} \
--volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
gliderlabs/registrator:v6 \
This service will keep track of the information like IP and PORT of each service running in the host and saves it to consul. We can now connect the docker client to the swarm. For this, we use -swarm
parameter with the swarm master.
eval $(docker-machine env -swarm master)
We can see all the hosts created with docker-machine
with the command docker-machine ls
. The output of this command must look something like this.
consul - digitalocean Running tcp:// v1.10.1
master * (swarm) digitalocean Running tcp:// master (master) v1.10.1
slave - digitalocean Running tcp:// master v1.10.1
Docker Compose
We have set up the swarm, it is ready for deployment. For this demonstration, we will be deploying multiple instances of Node.js application with a single instance of Redis as the database. The code for this Node.js application can be found here. It just lets us set the read values from redis. The docker images used for this is hanzel/tutum-nodejs-redis.
Docker Compose allows us to write the configuration file for this deployment. We are going to use the Docker Compose File version 2, which allows us to define configuration about the network and volumes used for the deployment in docker-compose.yml
file. You can know more about Version 2 of compose file here.
The docker-compose.yml
file looks like this.
version: '2'
image: hanzel/tutum-nodejs-redis
- "4000"
- APP_PORT=4000
- REDIS_IP=redis
- redis
- back-tier
image: redis
container_name: redis
command: redis-server --appendonly yes
- redis-data:/data
- back-tier
driver: local
driver: overlay
The first service is web
and it contains the image hanzel/tutum-nodejs-redis
, which is the node.js application. We are pulishing the port 4000 inside the container. It will be mapped to some port of the host. We need to setup some environment variables:
: Port to run the Node.js application.REDIS_IP
: The IP of the redis instance.REDIS_PORT
: The PORT of the redis instance.
The second service is the official redis
image. For persistant data storage, we are creating a data volumes named redis-data
. This volume is of the type local
, so the data is stored in the local host system.
The services in the same network are linked. Here, both these services are in the back-tier
network which is of the type overlay
. The overlay network allow multi-host networking
, this allows the service to be linked even if the these are in different hosts.
Save this code as docker-compose.yml
and save it in a folder. Make sure that your docker client is connected to the swarm with eval $(docker-machine env -swarm master)
command. Now open up the terminal in this folder and start the services using the following command.
docker-compose up -d
This will start up the services, which are distributed across the different hosts in the swarm. You can see details about the running services with the command docker-compose ps
. The output must look something like this.
Name Command State Ports
loadbalancingswarm_web_1 npm start Up>4000/tcp
redis /entrypoint.sh redis-serve ... Up 6379/tcp
In this case, you can see the app running at
Load Balancer
We have a single instance of the app running. We need to now implement a load balancer that can distribute the traffic across all the instances of this service. As we increase and decrease the instances of the service, we need to automatically update the load balancer. The code for the load balancer can be found here and the docker image for this is hanzel/load-balancing-swarm.
We will use nginx for load balancing and consul-template to manage nginx configuration. You can also use HAproxy as the load balancer, the process is similar.
First, we need to create a template file for nginx configuration. This file is filled with the service information by consul-template and forms the configuration for nginx. The file default.ctmpl
looks like this.
{{$app := env "APP_NAME"}}
upstream {{printf $app}} {
{{range service $app}}
server {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} max_fails=3 fail_timeout=60 weight=1;{{end}}
server {
listen 80 default;
location / {
proxy_pass http://{{printf $app}};
We will set variable app
with the value of environment variable APP_NAME
. We create a upstream named with the variable app
. The least_conn
line causes nginx is to route traffic to the least connected instance. We need to generate server
configuration lines for each instance of the service currently running. This is done by the code block, {{range service $app}}...{{end}}
. The code between these directives are repeated for each instance of the service running with {{.Address}}
replaced by the address and {{.Port}}
replaced by its port of that instance. Next we have the server block that is listening to the port 80. This will create a reverse proxy to the upstream we just created.
We need a bash script, that acts as the entry point to this docker image. The file start.sh
looks like this.
service nginx start
consul-template -consul=$CONSUL_URL -template="/templates/default.ctmpl:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:service nginx reload"
This script starts up nginx service. We then start up consul-template
. This command need two parameter. The first one is -consul
and it requires the url for consul. We pass an environment variable for this. The next one is called -template
and it consists of three parts seperated by a colon. The first one is the path of the template file. The second is the path where the generated configuration file must be placed. The third is the command that must by run when new configuration is generated. Here, we need to reload nginx.
The consul-template will create new configuration file whenever a service starts or stops. The information about this is collected by the registrator services running in each node is our swarm and is stored in consul.
Save these two files in folder named files
and in its parent, we can have the Dockerfile
and docker-compose.yml
. The Dockerfile
contains information on how to build this docker image.
FROM nginx:latest
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y unzip
ADD files/start.sh /bin/start.sh
RUN chmod +x /bin/start.sh
ADD files/default.ctmpl /templates/default.ctmpl
ADD https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul-template/0.12.2/consul-template_0.12.2_linux_amd64.zip /usr/bin/
RUN unzip /usr/bin/consul-template_0.12.2_linux_amd64.zip -d /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/start.sh"]
This dockerfile uses nginx
as the base and installs consul-template into it. It then copies the start.sh
and default.ctmpl
to required location. Finally, it exposes the port 80 and sets start.sh
as the entry point of the image.
New Compose file
Create the file docker-compose.yml
in the folder containing Dockerfile. We can now add this service to this file. So, the new compose file will look like this.
version: '2'
build: .
container_name: lb
- "80:80"
- constraint:node==master
- APP_NAME=tutum-nodejs-redis
- CONSUL_URL=${KV_IP}:8500
- web
- front-tier
image: hanzel/tutum-nodejs-redis
- "4000"
- APP_PORT=4000
- REDIS_IP=redis
- redis
- front-tier
- back-tier
image: redis
container_name: redis
command: redis-server --appendonly yes
- redis-data:/data
- back-tier
driver: local
driver: overlay
driver: overlay
We have new service name lb
. It is build using Dockerfile in the current directory. The port 80 of the container is mapped to port 80 of the host. We need to set up three environment variables:
: The name of the node where this service should run. We want the load balancing to always run on themaster
: The image name of the service you need to load balance. Here, it istutum-nodejs-redis
. You can load balance any service by providing its name here.CONSUL_URL
: The url of consul. We are using theKV_IP
environment variable for this.
We have a new overlay network named front-tier
. This connects lb
and web
services. Note that, the load balancer doesn’t need to connect to redis, so these are put in two different networks. The web
services is connected to both these networks.
Instead of building a new image, you may use the image hanzel/load-balancing-swarm. Just replace the line build: .
with image: hanzel/load-balancing-swarm
Now we need to stop and remove the running services and start the new services.
docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose up -d
We have only one instance of web
running now. We will scale this to three with the following command.
docker-compose scale web=3
We can see that three instances of the web
service is running when we do docker-compose ps
. The output will look like this.
Name Command State Ports
lb /bin/start.sh Up 443/tcp,>80/tcp
loadbalancingswarm_web_1 npm start Up>4000/tcp
loadbalancingswarm_web_2 npm start Up>4000/tcp
loadbalancingswarm_web_3 npm start Up>4000/tcp
redis /entrypoint.sh redis-serve ... Up 6379/tcp
In this case, you can go to
, the IP of your master node to see the application running. Refresh the page and see the host
value changing. This shows that the load balancer is working.
You can see the nginx configuration generated by consul-template by using the command docker exec -t lb cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
. This should produce an output that looks like this.
upstream tutum-nodejs-redis {
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=60 weight=1;
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=60 weight=1;
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=60 weight=1;
server {
listen 80 default;
location / {
proxy_pass http://tutum-nodejs-redis;
Docker Swarm allows us to seamlessly scale and distribute docker work load to a cluster of hosts. We have now implemented load balancing of docker images using Docker Swarm. This is just a basic application of docker swarm. You can create more sophisticated setups with docker swarm like auto-scaling, database cluster, etc. I will try talking more about that in the coming articles.
You can stop the services and remove the hosts using the following commands.
docker-compose down
docker-machine stop consul master slave
docker-machine rm consul master slave